Sunday, September 2, 2007

Daily Kos: The Surge is Irrelevant: What W and the Pentagon don't want you to realize

by mikepridmore, Sat Sep 01, 2007 at 06:17:48 PM PDT

A hat tip to my friends at RochesterTurning for catching that the military began to block Think Progress shortly after it published an op-ed by General John Battiste that the Wall Street Journal and Washington Times refused to run. (link) What was that it that a lifelong Republican and retired General said to get his voice censored by the military? Could it be the part that says "64 percent of conservative analysts feel the so-called "surge" in Iraq is having no impact, or a negative effect"? Or perhaps it is when he says that he is "outraged that elected officials of my own party do not comprehend the predicament we are in with a strategy in the Middle East that lacks focus and is all but relying on the military to solve the diplomatic, political, and economic Rubik’s Cube that defines Iraq."

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