Tuesday, April 29, 2008

We Must Imagine a Life Without Oil

By Mark Hertsgaard, The Nation
Posted on April 29, 2008, Printed on April 29, 2008

It used to be that only environmentalists and paranoids warned about running out of oil. Not anymore. As climate change did over the past few years, peak oil seems poised to become the next big idea commanding the attention of governments, businesses and citizens the world over. The arrival of $119-a-barrel crude and $4-a-gallon gasoline this spring are but the most obvious signs that global oil production has or soon will peak. With global demand inexorably rising, a limited supply will bring higher, more volatile prices and eventually shortages that could provoke -- to quote the title of the must-see peak oil documentary -- the end of suburbia. If the era of cheap, abundant oil is indeed coming to a close, the world's economy and, paradoxically, the fight against climate change could be in deep trouble.

1 comment:

end of suburbia said...

thanks for watching our doc, The END of SUBURBIA. please check out our newly released doc, ESCAPE From SUBURBIA, which explores the growing peak oil movement. you can learn more about it, and watch our youtube clips, on www.escapefromsuburbia.com. izen media activists.

best regards from canada~

greg greene