Friday, August 14, 2009

I’ll Stop Calling it “Destroying” Social Security When They Stop Trying to Destroy Social Security

Gail Collins offers a bit of the own pox on both houses:

I like partisanship. What I don’t like, and what nobody likes, is the brain-dead variety we see in Congress where the minority party would rather make a bill worse in the hopes that it would fail than make it better in case it passes. So the Republicans make it impossible for the Democrats to put cost controls in the health care plan by howling “rationing!” And back when the Democrats were in the minority, they made sure that any attempt to contain the cost of entitlements was immediately branded “destruction of Social Security”

Look. Social Security is projected to face a deficit over the long haul. Expenditures, in other words, are projected to exceed revenues. People concerned about this problem will be proposing some mixture of higher revenues and lower expenditures.

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