Friday, August 14, 2009

LiveBlogging Howard Dean

Sara Robinson liveblogs Howard Dean's talk at Netroots Nation, starting at 9am ET Friday morning. Come on by and join the chat!

There are a lot of people here, considering we were all up drinking past 1 am at vodka reception given at the nearby Andy Warhol museum by an associated gaggle of gay groups. (It was totally fabulous.) Dean can turn out progressives, even at this unholy hour among this many people with hangovers.

A spirited introduction by the co-author (sorry, he said his name fast and I didn't catch it, but he's a Think Progress editor) of Howard Dean's Health Care Prescription for Real Health Care Reform [1]. Mike Lux and Tanya Tarr will be moderating -- this should be good. I saw Tanya in a panel yesterday afternoon and found her very impressive.

Here's Dr. Dean.

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