Sunday, September 20, 2009

Poppy Bush Not Joining Other DCIs Opposing Investigation of W Bush’s Torture

By: emptywheel, Friday September 18, 2009 1:10 pm

There are a number of fascinating details in this letter from seven former living CIA Directors opposing DOJ's torture investigation--starting with the fact that Poppy is one of just two three living CIA heads who didn't sign (the others are Carter's Stansfield Turner and close Poppy ally Robert Gates who, as Secretary of Defense, also has to weigh how our torture puts service men and women at risk). (h/t Ambinder)

Michael Hayden
Porter Goss
George Tenet
John Deutch
R. James Woolsey
William Webster
James R. Schlesinger

But that's not all.

Note that these men are asking the President to intervene in a DOJ investigation.

We respectfully urge you to exercise your authority to reverse Attorney General Holder’s August 24 decision to re-open the criminal investigation of CIA interrogations that took place following the attacks of September 11.

They're not asking Obama to pardon those CIA officers under investigation, which would be a proper request of the President; they're asking Obama to spike an investigation the Attorney General has deemed necessary.

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