Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Digby: Hate From All Directions

Abe Foxman must very be proud to have associated the ADL with the likes of the Teabaggers. You surely recall Mark Williams, the former Move America Forward and Tea Party Express spokesman who resigned recently after writing a racist screed in ebonics to the NAACP. He's still at it:
Today he's up with a new post calling New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer "Judenrats" for publicly supporting the proposed Cordoba House project in Lower Manhattan.

"Politically correct Judenrats like New York Mayor Michael Boomberg and Scott Stringer (Manhattan Borough President) and domestic enemies who are supporting the mosque - with open ties to Islamic Terrorist organizations and supporting states are doing nothing more than erecting a giant middle finger to be trust at the victims of 911... which includes all of civilized Mankind," Williams writes.

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