Wednesday, March 2, 2011

O'Reilly Misleads With Footage of Violent 'Wisconsin' Protesters--With Palm Trees in Background

Via Digby, here's a clip in which Bill O'Reilly discusses the Wisconsin protests while running stock footage of angry, shoving and shouting demonstrators--with no snow on the ground palm trees in the background. Wisconsin, this clearly ain't. Another one of many misleading gambits on Fox to hype up a nonexistent union thuggery--a line of thinking which is important to debunk at every turn.

1 comment:

Montana said...

O’rielly, what a joke, didn’t he say “video comes in video comes out never a miscommunication”. Why is it that so many fools follow this liar? It looks like that the top republican candidates for president will be coming from “Fake News/ Fox News”, or should I say “Big Business”, how funny.

I wonder if “Fake News” has a stable of likely republican supreme court justices (I am sure they will all attend the republican state of the union, unlike Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas, scum bags).