Sunday, August 12, 2012

Five Ways We Can Break the Big Banks' Death Grip on the Economy

Thursday, 09 August 2012 14:04
By Stephen Lerner, AlterNet | Op-Ed

Wall Street’s incredible greed and arrogance may have finally handed us the tools and leverage we need. 

Let’s be honest. Many people are feeling a little hopeless and cynical about whether anything can change how Wall Street banks run roughshod over the economy and our democracy. We’ve marched, rallied, sat-in and thousands have been arrested--and yet bankers have remained unrepentant, unpunished, unindicted and seemingly untouchable. But the wheels of history are turning and Wall Street’s incredible greed and arrogance may have finally handed us the tools and leverage we need to challenge and break the death grip Wall Street has on struggling people and communities around the country.

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