Saturday, December 12, 2015

Who's Behind the Ghost Companies Funding Jeb Bush's Super-PAC?

Two shadowy outfits are helping to bankroll Bush's candidacy.

—By Russ Choma | Wed Dec. 2, 2015 6:00 AM EST

In February, a limited liability company called TH Holdings LLC donated $100,000 to Right to Rise, the super-PAC supporting Jeb Bush's bid for the GOP presidential nomination. That's not extraordinary; quite a few LLCs have donated to the super-PAC, which has so far raised more than $103 million. But TH Holdings is a special case—one that represents the worst-case scenario in the post-Citizens United campaign finance landscape: untraceable corporations shoveling untraceable cash into the political system. Beyond this six-figure contribution, the company appears to have no history of doing business anywhere. And its incorporation records reveal no owners, managers, or officers.

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